Mental Health Issues
On Saturday September 17, 2016, Mulmer Services partook in the RBC Race for the Kids supporting youth mental health initiatives at Sunnybrook Hospital. It is estimated, that 2 million Canadian kids are struggling with mental health issues. For example, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, or any kind of addiction. Moreover, only 1 in 5 children will receive appropriate specialized treatment.
This is MSL’s second year as the race’s Official Transportation Sponsor. In fact, our shuttles transported dozens of race volunteers and supplies to posts along the 5K, 7K, and 15K courses.
Our Contribution:
As a result, this year the RBC Race for the Kids raised over $2.2 million for Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project, a non-profit program that assists families navigate the mental health and addictions service system for youth aged 13-26. MSL couldn’t be more proud to support such a valuable project.
A special thank you to MSL drivers Jonathan and Ashton who transported all race volunteers safely on and off the course. Thank you!
Congratulations to all 8,500 participants in the fourth annual race, including MSL staff Paul Richey, Kathleen Knott, and Moira Hennebury! We look forward to next year!
To learn more about the race and Sunnybrook's Family Navigation Project, click here.
