Vehicle and Route Optimization
GPS Technology &
Telematics Software
GPS fleet tracking allows us to maximize vehicle utilization, optimize routing, improve safety, and provide a first-class service to our valued customers.
All of our vehicles are equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) units that track our fleet in real time, provide stop/start times at all destinations, track speed of the buses, circle check completion, fuel usage, and monitor basic engine information. The benefits of fleet tracking include optimized routing, streamlined maintenance, minimized fuel use, the increased operational mechanical health of the bus and driver performance tracking.
Real time local traffic conditions are superimposed onto our tracking software, allowing us to monitor current and predicted traffic patterns or accidents that may cause delay.
With the data gathered through our customized software we can develop Key Performance Indicators that include vehicle fuel mileage, kms travelled, preferred routes, harsh stops and start/stop times at all destinations. We are able to present a variety of analytics in various forms to summarize the performance of our buses and ultimately our shuttle bus services.
Our GPS Systems Track:
​Vehicle Tracking
Monitors position, speed, direction of travel, and ignition status
Ability to review trips
Integrates traffic, road closures, and accidents on major roadways
Driver Behaviour
Monitors speed, rates of acceleration and deceleration, harsh braking and cornering
​Vehicle Health
Odometer reading
Diagnostic trouble codes
Engine status and battery level
​Fuel consumption